Sunday, May 04, 2008


The video that i will post, can change our perspective about live and death.

I think we are always think we are not going to die. But when we became around my age, it is almost a reality. So, we starting to think about the way we live 'til today, at the live itself, about our children, in everything. But we may think that we still have enough time to fix everything.

We have a deep desire to change everything, quickly. But, you know. The days go on, and it seems that we forgot our own thoughts.

So, this guy is young, handsome, has a beautiful woman and 3 little chindren and he is going to die pretty soon. Neverteless, he is a winner! How can he gets that?! I do not know. I'd die, only thinking about this.
His entire video takes 76 minutes, more or less. But I think it worth.... (youtube: the last lecture)...

This draft can make you go forward....


Therefore...enjoy...let's change the way we live....

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