Friday, April 06, 2007

Good Friday

Everybody will be resting tomorrow, maybe paying or respecting the day. It's "Good Friday", or in Portuguese: Sexta-Feira Santa.

Well, not the entire world. We will be working at the Office.

It was very hard to me to be working in the "Good Friday" tThe first year I was here. I cried a lot and I asked God forgiving me. Now, papa and i are used for that.
I't's still stranger, of course, but that's ok, now.
To tell you the truth, I would rather be at home, with papa, in peace, but... what can we do?

Today was papa's day off. If he was off tomorrow, I won't be at the office too. Never mind.

But to tell you REALLY the truth, we have now a very different life from before; and as we are alone, I mean, just two of us, it doesn't matter which day is it, or something related. What is really important to us is knowing that our family is ok, with health and happiness and WE ALWAYS will love each other.



I started today reading a new book: THE SECRET (Hhonda Byrne).
I will speak about it tomorrow...


Vou fazer diariamente uma mescla between Portuguese and English, por causa das visitas, que prazeirosamente descobri, nao sao somente brasileiras... i hope you don't mind..


O coelhinho me trouxe tres camisetas da gap... (voces perceberam qto a mama gosta da gap???) Freud explica...


I am going to sleep, estou com sono...

bons sonhos para voces... e para mim tb...o papa esta quase embarcando nos bracos da morpheu...

Mama & Papa

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