E no fim, a gente cai na gargalhada... (and at the end we laugh a lot...)

Esta tudo calmo em Alcatraz... eh que tinha uma pessoa no corredor da morte e ....morreu...!!!! uma pessoa foi mandada embora... a administradora - que nos deu os sofas... -
(It is calm in the front...Alcatraz - this is the name I gave to the office that I work - can you imagine how it is? - It is everything calm because somebody was at the death corridor ..and died.. got fired...
Mas ja arranjou outro emprego e disse que esta ate ganhando mais... (but she already got a new job and earned more..)

O papa acabou de me ligar - depois sou eu que nao largo do pe dele... (Papa just called me and he said he arrived @ work in 17 minutes - Good!) ele chegou no trabalho em 17 minutos...otimo, ne? nada como ter um possante! (he is going to work by car now and it is much better, instead to take a bus that; it took half hour to arrive over there before..)

Voces estao gostando da traducao simultanea? esta divertido... (it's been interesting "speaking"portuguese and english at the same time - life indeed can be fun..)

Hoje estive pensando em nao mais ler os jornais.... (I was thinking wd be better not read the newspaper anymore... only bad news - here and there (USA and Brazil) - so tem noticias ruins... acho que seria a melhor coisa que eu faria para mim mesma.. dizem que ninguem eh uma ilha mas eu fico muito deprimida... (I was told that we cannot live alone, isolated from the world, but I got depress with so may bad news latelly...)
Bom, vou ficar ouvindo minhas musiquinhas que sao muito melhores.... (the best I can do it is listen to the music that I love..)
Ate amanha, bom feriado para quem esta de feriado e bom trabalho para quem vai trabalhar E VIVA NOSSA SENHORA APARECIDA!!!!

(See you tomorrow - it is a holiday in Brazil - the day of Mother Mary to the Brazilian people - )
Mama & Papa

ah, Jackie, isn't that funny?! you are going to live in the Hawaii and Claudio & I we were thinking to live there too, when we retire...it is interesting...well, we will see you there (who knows!!??)
1 comment:
~laughing~ Thanks for the English translation! I know it's a pain! But, w/ the boys on such a tight schedule, I don't get out of the house much....and I love reading about people who do! As they get bigger they'll go down to 2 naps instead of 3-4 and I'll get a life back :-)
That's funny about Alcatraz....! Sometimes I felt that way at work, too! You have to laugh or you'll cry. Or hit somebody! (they frown on that, where I work!)
Have a good day, and I hope Papa gets some good sleep :-)
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