amanha vou fazer exames de laboratorio. Em fim, acho que ja virei gente omplementamente aqui, ate medica ja tenho e das boas...
I went the first time here to see a doctor yesterday. Actually, a lady, Maria Peralta. A very good one. I liked her very much. The receptionist was nice; the nurse was nice and the doctor was nice too. I answered a questionnaire w/ three pages. I told her all medicines that I take from my doctors in Brazil. She will keep all of then, with the same composition but now I will be able to buy all of them here. She just change the way I have to take one, insteado of to go to sleep, I will take it during the day and she gave me another one to sleep.
Tomorrow I will make labs exams. Well, I am very happy becuase now I have an excelent doctor taking care of me...

Como desde ontem, depois da visita a medica ja estou tomando os remedios como ela me mandou, estou mansinha, mansinha.... nem ontem nem hoje nao mordi o papa nem uma vez....(kkkkk)
I am taking the medicines as the doctor precribes it to me and I am very calm.... I did not bite papa nor yesterday or today.....poor papa... (he is my angel...)

As meninas do escritorio disseram que eu estou ligando o "foda-se" e nao to nem ai... pode cair mundo que eu to dando risada.... acho que isso mesmo... "esta medica batuta..."
The girls @ the office said that I am turning in "the automatic" and that it is... I think that the doctor catch me right between the eyes....I mean, she gave me the exactly things that I was needed...

O papa, ora o papa, so pensa em trabalhar... , so espero que qdo ele ficar rico nao me troque por 2 de 26...acho que nao, pq ai, a dona boa vai gastar todo o dinheiro que ele esta ganhando (kkkkkkk....)
Papa is working a lot... I think he wants to be rich soon...and I hope he doesn't decide to change me for two with 26 years old... (I do not think he wd be doing this because he knows "she" just wants the money he is making...(I am kidding w/him...)

Estou morrendo de sono(e olha que nao comprei todos os remedios ainda)...falamos amanha....
Ah, ja ia esquecendo de contar...vamos sair do horario de verao no final de outrubro, ai ficaremos co 2 horas de diferenca (para menos) de voces.... ai, em novembro voces entram no horario de verao ai a diferenca vai aumentar para 3 horas de diferenca... mas continuando nos falando ...beijos...
It is time to go to sleep...and we will keep in touch...bye...
Mama & Papa

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