The sad post is below... let's just think about good things now....and by the way, I bet you cannot find out what this two puppies are, I mean, are they dogs? cats? bears? lions? Just a tip: their names are Tai and Pip
Let's try...if you win, I will send you a gift....

Aren't they AMAZING???????!!!!!!
I always believed in God.
I am sure He exists. And, because of this, too many things still will happen at some people lives....
My Argentinian friend called me...
Her voice wasn't very good.
People cannot ever imagined what they did to her... There are times in our lives that the only thing we need is someone to help us go forward...but, with her, on the contrary, people made her life worse than it already was...
She was confused, owned a lot of money to the credit cards and some people at the office provoked her to be dismissed...
She is still trying to study for her BAR examination but, as she told me, "I have so many things to think about that I simply cannot study...and I do believe her and I can understand her....
On the other hand, I have to continue believing in God. That He knows everything and that whatever we did, we are going to pay for that, for the good and for the bad things...
I am not depressed...I am just sad due to my friend's situation...
She can count on my...but, unfortunately, listen her is the only thing I can do for her now...
I do not know if this situation it's just happening now at the office, for some reason, or if people always were this way and I did not realize before....
Well, to definitively finish to speak about bad things, if I am allowed, in the middle of this sad situation, a like joke...
the "FARC"'s headquarter is at the office...???!!! Why...look
Forcas armadas revolucionarias C.....
The C could be a lot of names:
Cafajestes (nao sei mais se eh con "j"ou com "g"e nao tenho dicionario portugues...sorry...)
C_ de maria-joana
Ah, or, we also can say that if there will be a contest at the office, would be hard do choose the
Miss Terrorist....
Well I am really sorry, for everything that happened and happen everyday in this sad world...