Qdo nao penso, me divirto mais, vivo mais leve e solta...
Qdo paro para pensar, as roupas estao velhas, queria comprar perfume, tenis, quinquilharias, moveis, tabua de passar roupa....
Eh melhor nao pensar...
Se nao penso, dou muitas risadas (de mim mesma), mas ai todos pensam que sou louca...
Continuo achando que ser louca eh a coisa mais certa deste mundo......
amam @ apap

Watch for lane closures on I-90 tomorrow
Interstate 90 will be reduced to one eastbound lane Saturday between Argonne and University.
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Watson 2.0 Slated for Release Today
Search company Intellext is positioning its Watson 2.0 desktop search program as an alternative to ... Intriguingly, a Blogs tab offers relevant blog results - which could be the killer feature.
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