Wednesday, October 11, 2006


O papa ja foi trabalhar. Foi devagar. Estava cansado (trabalhou dezesseis horas de domingo para 2a. e + 16 de 2a. para 3a.). Quer ficar mais rico que o Tio Patinhas... ele merece; eh muito esforcado.
Temos uma amiga nova que visita o site de vez em quando, por isso vou fazer uma traducao simultanea.

(Papa went already to work but he was tired; he worked 16 hours on Monday and 16 hours on Tuesday. He wants to be rich soon, that way we can retire and go to Hawaii....)

Hoje nao tenho novidades. So muito trabalho. (I do not have any news; just the usual, too much work...)

Falamos amanha (we will be back tomorrow...)

Kisses to everybody...

Mama & Papa

1 comment:

Jackie said...

Holy mackeral! 16 hours? That's a long day! As a nurse, I worked 12 hours and I thought that was bad!

We might be going to Hawaii in March...Jason might be getting orders to a sub there...maybe we'll be neighbors! ;-)

Thanks for the English!