I decided today speak just a little bit in English due to the visitors that we received this last days... It has been amazing... and we thank you very much for this wonderful surprise...We never could imagine that...we are very happy with so many visitors... so, please, we ask you to continue visiting us ... and if you don't mind, leave a message....
We think that everybody knows already that we are the mama & papa of three wonderful children and we also have a lot of relatives. Our children live in Brazil - 2 children in Sao Paulo and one in Rio de Janeiro. We love them very much, but we are living now a little far from them - in Miami...but it doesn't matter, because we speak frequently and in three years, when we are becoming AMERICAN CITIZEN, we will be applying for them to come and to live with us...for while, we are having fun with our stories (very interesting, by the way...) and letting everybody knows them....
O preambulo em Ingles foi para agradecer a "galera" extra-terrestre que tem visitado nosso bloglele....
Amanha escrevo a estoria deste final de semana, da compra na Victoria Secret e da Pombinha enciumada.....
Estou com sono e tenho um montao de coisas para fazer, como por exemplo, entender a filmadora/maquina fotografica eletronica que arregalaram o papa; assistir a mini-serie 4400 (aqui se fala forty four hundred...) o filme Died Zone.... muita coisa util, nao eh? ah, tambem preciso comer alguma coisa que minha barriga esta roncando, passar os cremes que comprei pela televisao e mais tarde, ir dormir....(vida complicada, a minha, nao eh?)... bom, acho que nesta altura do campeonato, ja mereco um descanso....
Have a wonderful night..

mama & papa
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