Para dizer a verdade, nao sei nada sobre a materia, mas posso imagina a vergonha....
Sobre a chamada, o titulo da manchete, deve ser alusao aos pobres brasileiros, todos, que se matam de trabalhar e sao obrigados a presenciar a continuacao daquilo que todos nos gostariamos que ja tivesse acabado e, melhor seria, que nunca tivesse existido.
What a shame!
Como sempre digo, AMO MINHA TERRA, MEU POVO, MINHA GENTE, mas nao aqueles que fazem do nosso NOME BRASIL continuar nas manchetes como um vexame, agora internacional.
Onde sera que se esconde um politico de verdade nessa terra? Sera que existe?
Que situacao dificil....
Vou tentar amanha pegar a noticia no jornal, pelo menos na versao espana e postar aqui no blog, isso se eu nao ficar muito envergonha de ler o que vao escrever sobre nossa Terra...
Nossos herois morreram e aquele que precisamos nunca existiu....
ironicamente, estava assistindo a Tina Turner na TV educativa daqui e ela cantou
The Best
(a musica que ela cantou no show e chamou nosso AIRTON SENNA dizendo: YOU ARE SIMPLE THE BEST....)
Written by - Mark Chapman & Holly KnightFrom - Foreign Affair
I call you when I need you, my heart's on fire
You come to me, come to me wild and wild
When you come to me
Give me everything I need
Give me a lifetime promises and a world of dreams
Speak a language of love like you know what it means
And it can't be wrong
Take my heart and make it strong baby
You're simply the best
Better than all the rest
Better than anyone
Anyone I've ever met
I'm stuck on your heart
I hang on every word you say
Tear us apart
Baby, I would rather be dead
In your heart, I see the star of every night and every day
In your eyes I get lost, I get washed away
Just as long as I'm here in your arms
I could be in no better place
Each time you leave me I start losing control
You're walking away with my heart and my soul
I can feel you even when I'm alone
Oh, baby, don't let go
You come to me, come to me wild and wild
When you come to me
Give me everything I need
Give me a lifetime promises and a world of dreams
Speak a language of love like you know what it means
And it can't be wrong
Take my heart and make it strong baby
You're simply the best
Better than all the rest
Better than anyone
Anyone I've ever met
I'm stuck on your heart
I hang on every word you say
Tear us apart
Baby, I would rather be dead
In your heart, I see the star of every night and every day
In your eyes I get lost, I get washed away
Just as long as I'm here in your arms
I could be in no better place
Each time you leave me I start losing control
You're walking away with my heart and my soul
I can feel you even when I'm alone
Oh, baby, don't let go
Nao temos mais herois para cantar ou politico para aplaudir .....
Temos nosso povo honrado e trabalhador, que merece o melhor e ter mais do que tem... e ainda nos resta, sempre, a esperanca de dias melhores....

Mama & Papa
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