Monday, December 18, 2006


We spent a very nice week-end, although papa went to work last night, as usual on Sundays night.
Friday night we had a office-happy-hour..oh! sorry, I think I already told you that...

Well, I think it was Saturday night, I am not sure, we watched on TV a Johnny Mathis' show, celebrating his 50th aniversary as a singer. It was amazing!
We always loved him. I still can remember when we just got married, we had a lot of records from him, and we spent long time dreaming and linstenning him...what a voice!!!
The show was fantastic; I even thought to buy the video and CD but I don't have courage to spend $200.00 on them....and also I saw at the internet, yesterday, the same cd for $11.00- just the CD. I already have a lot of youtube from him singing the songs that I like the most, so that is it...let it be...
But the magic moment was when he sang "Manha de Carnaval"in Portuguese, with the real lirics and, when he also sang "Aquarela do Brasil". In the last one, the liric was completely different from the original, but it was ok... in that voice, everthing is a dream....


I also watched on TV, yesterday, one of the best movie that I ever have seen in my life (although to much violent). Unfortunately, I do no know its name. It happened in Mexico City and the actor is Denzel Washington; ah, the other one is Jennifer Lopez' husband (I do not know his name either) and also a blonde beautiful little girl. I won't tell anything about it, but if you could get it on the video to watch, we can talk about it later.


My internet friend “Telinha" is mad (arretada) due to the weather in Rio de Janeiro (too hot)... my other internet friend “J” has twins and she is tired because you can imagine how complicated it can be... but you know something?!... they are lovely ladies, nice, harm, take care of the house, the kittys/dog and especially the babies the best way they could and they bright my life with their stories, theirs beautiful hearts and everything...I love seeing the photos both of them show in theirs blogs... I love the way Telinha writes and I love see the Jackie's babies smiling...


See you...Kisses...

Mama & Papa
(P.S. - I have to go to fix the dinner.. papa is sleeping and has to come back to work at 11 pm. - you all are invited to come to dinner: rice, fried potatoes, steak, tomatoes and letucce.....hummmm I am completely hungry.......) bye....

(P.S.S. - I still have to write you in Spanglish...maybe next time...)

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