Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Parece que foi escrito para mim.....

Ola! todos os dias recebo uma mensagem de um reverendo americano que faz palestras por todo o E.U.A. Devo receber essas mensagens ja ha mais 5 anos. Conincidencia ou nao (nos da Eubiose sabemos que nada eh por acaso, que tudo eh causal...) sempre que acontece alguma coisa importante em nossas vidas, alguns dias depois, e ja acontecer de ser ate no mesmo dia, eh como se a mensagem fosse escrita para mim, ou para a nossa situacao do momento. A de hoje, mais uma vez, se apresenta do mesmo modo. Estou repassando as mensagem e espero que todos possam compreende-la. Caso alguem tenha alguma dificulade e queira que eu faca a versao para o portugues, me avise que eu preparo e passo depois. Essa mensagens sao muito significativas; um pouco longas, mas vale a pena"

May 2, 2005 “DAILY INSPIRATION” Visit our homepage:

http://www.PositiveChristianity.org http://www.positivechristianity.org/PosChris_May05.html

God Will Guide You Continually

"And the Lord will guide you continually, and satisfy your desire withgood things." Isaiah 58:11

There are times when a new direction you have chosen to follow does not meet the approval of those close to you. There may be criticism of yourchoice, causing you concern, for you want to be considerate of your family and friends.
Yet you must follow your own inner guidance in your search for spiritual fulfillment. The author Imelda Shanklin has suggested that, "Few criticisms will be made of your faith if you really know your faith and consistently live it.

The world is little interested in what you believe. It is tremendously interested in what your belief causes you to do."In most cases, the change for good in your life resulting from your choice will be evidence enough that you have made the right decision. You can help those who have been concerned by blessing them in your prayers and knowing that they, as you, are being guided by God in the way that is best for them.

In Isaiah 45:2 our Bible states, "I will go before you and level the mountains."Many of us are facing a mountain of a problem and seeking guidance on how to remove that mountain. When you let go and let God, you open the way for God's perfect path to be shown to you. You align yourself with all the good that God is. With Godguiding you, you instinctively know that whatever action you take will be the right action. You will be guided to do that which will insure perfect health, that which will bring about prosperity, that which will promote harmony, that which will help you to serve in whatever capacity God intends.

You will let God fulfill God's good purpose - through you. You will act in accordance with God's direction. This is a huge decision because it involves change. Just knowing that God is opening new ways to you and enlarging the scope of your life is a wondrous thing.

Sometimes we think we want things to change; we want things to be different. But when change comes, we may find that we are fearful of it or resistant to it.Why do you want change? Because you want to make conditions better for yourself and others; you want to expand your opportunities; you want to increase your contribution to life.Why then do we resist change when it presents itself? Probably because we are fearful of the unknown, the untried.

As unsatisfactory as conditions may be, we have become accustomed to them; we know what to expect. This is, of course, a limiting outlook. It is easily overcome as we hold to our faith that, in any circumstance, we have nothing to fear because God is with us. At all times, in all places, under all conditions, you are one with God. God's Spirit is with you and gives you the needed courage, strength, andpower to overcome fear and to welcome change and find the good in it.

Always God is opening new ways to you and enlarging the scope of your life. In our Bible it declares in Isaiah 42:9 "New things I now declare."If you want something you've never had, you have to do something you'venever done! Following God's guidance things will be new; opportunities will be new; health will be new; joy will be new; love will be new. God's abundance will never cease.

God Bless You! Make it a GREAT day!
Reverend Christopher Ian Chenoweth, Founder May 2, 2005

Eu estou olhando tudo com outros olhos e sempre acreditando em coisas novas, novas oportunidades e novos sucessos - IF YOU CHANGE THE WAY YOU LOOK THE THINGS, THE THINGS YOU LOOK CHANGE...

Espero que a familia toda esteja otima, do Iapoque ao Chui... nos estamos muito bem!
Beijos, mama & papa

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